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Little Jamaica business owners hope for stronger year amid Eglinton Crosstown delay, COVID

Organizations like the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) have entered to help fill the voids entrepreneurs are facing.

Nadine Spencer, the organization’s CEO, said they’ve been working for decades to create economic opportunities for Black business operators and to support youth. She said they opened an office on Eglinton Avenue West, near Oakwood Avenue, in order to have a presence on the ground to support those impacted in Little Jamaica and Oakwood Village.

“When you think about the solo entrepreneur, they get up in the morning at 6 a.m. and they work until midnight. So the biggest challenge is for them to actually come and get the services they need and this is why this office in the community works so well because we have staff here that can work with them,” Spencer said.

Source: CityNews.ca